
PyChimera lets you use the full UCSF Chimera codebase in any Python 2.7 project.


UCSF Chimera is an extensible molecular visualization tool with a vast collection of modules gathered after years of development. These tools allow you to perform serious molecular modelling jobs even without Python knowledge (they also offer a very versatile text interface with custom commands).

However, all this code is only available if you use the bundled Python 2.7 interpreter to run your scripts, like this:

chimera --nogui --script "path/to/my/script.py arg1 arg2 ..."

Or, using the GUI command line toolbar, by running runscript path/to/my/script.py arg1 arg2 .... This is less desirable than simply running python script.py arg1 arg2 ....

With PyChimera, you can run pychimera script.py and forget about using the UCSF Chimera interpreter or not. It just works. Additionally, it offers some more features:

  • Interactive sessions in the Python interpreter where you can just run import chimera, like it should be.
  • Full compatibility with IPython and Jupyter Notebooks (read Extra packages).
  • Simple API to run your Chimera-dependent script with any python interpreter.
  • Conda recipes for UCSF Chimera and UCSF Chimera headless, for automated testing and deployment.

If you want more details, be sure to check the paper (already submitted, once published, it will be linked here).


Run pychimera -h for quick help. Basically:

Running code

To execute a script:

pychimera script.py

To launch a module that uses UCSF Chimera internally:

pychimera -m this

To execute any Python statement:

pychimera -c 'import chimera'

To know which UCSF Chimera instance is being loaded:

pychimera --path

Interactive sessions

To start an interactive Python session with importable UCSF Chimera modules:

pychimera                  # start the standard Python interpreter
pychimera -i some_file.py  # run a script and stay in the standard Python interpreter
pychimera -im module       # same, but with a Python module
pychimera -ic "string"     # same, but with a command
pychimera ipython          # launch IPython interpreter
pychimera notebook         # launch IPython notebook

To launch the UCSF Chimera GUI with custom packages (check InsiliChem Plume as an example!):

pychimera --gui

Multiplatform compatibility

https://travis-ci.org/insilichem/pychimera.svg?branch=master https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/fwp3uum6be7tcfqn/branch/master?svg=true

UCSF Chimera is available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. PyChimera does its best to provide the same compatibility for all three platforms and each release is continuously tested in Travis CI (Linux, Mac OS X) and AppVeyor (Windows). Despite our efforts, some features might not be as polished in some platforms. The table below summarizes the current state of implementation:

Features Platforms
Linux Mac OS X Windows*
pychimera Y Y N
pychimera script.py Y Y Y
pychimera ipython Y Y Y**
pychimera notebook Y Y Y
pychimera --gui Y Y Y
pychimera -c Y Y Y
pychimera -i Y Y Y
pychimera -m Y Y Y

* In Windows, use python -m pychimera, not pychimera.

** Only with qtconsole installed.

PyChimera has been successfully installed and tested in the following 64-bit systems:

  • Linux
    • Arch Linux with UCSF Chimera 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
    • Ubuntu 14.04 with UCSF Chimera 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 (Travis CI’s)
    • CentOS 6.3 with UCSF Chimera 1.11.2
  • Mac OS X
    • 10.11 El Capitan with UCSF Chimera 1.12
    • 10.10 (Xcode 6.4) with UCSF Chimera 1.12 (Travis CI’s)
  • Windows
    • 7 SP1 with UCSF Chimera 1.12
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 with UCSF Chimera 1.12 (AppVeyor’s)